I don’t want to look around ,
I have been broken down .
It’s an empty shell ,
Where I dwell .
It’s my hollow eyes ,
Which hides behind the fake smiles .
It’s the hurting truth ,
Which even the lies can’t soothe .
I’m a broken bird with damaged wings ,
With a hollow voice that sings ,
That sings , songs of happiness ,
Just to drive away the loneliness .
Yet the air around me is so still ,
Darkness holds me against my will .
I want to fly ,
Just like the speck of dust passing by ,
I want to laugh ,
With my smiling heart ,
But it doesn’t smile , it only cries ;
‘Cuz everytime it was has been hurt by the lies .
It trusted people not worthy of my trust ;
It loved people not worthy of my love ;
It wants to trust but I’ll be betrayed again ;
It wants to love but I’ll be broken down again ;
It wants to laugh but I’ll be made to cry again ;
It wants to encounter light but I’ll be pushed back into the darkness again .
I locked it , for it shall :
Neither to laugh nor love again .
Neither to trust nor hope again .
But it’s trying ,
Only for my urge of flying ,
It hopes again & fight ,
Just to make me encounter the light ,
Just to make me look at the glowing sun ,
The shining moon , the twinkling stars ,
The smiling hearts once again .
One that’ll relieve me from my pain ,
One that’ll make it(my heart) glow again ,
One that’ll make it give out love again .
Only to be betrayed again ,
Only to be broken down again ,
And I won’t stop it again , like as always .
For there resides a hope of finding someone worthy of ,
For there resides a hope of not being broken again ,
For there resides a hope of being cherished .
For there resides a hope, like as always …….
For there resides a hope, like as always…….
*Bismala Zahid……